Antivirus Protection Features

Computers are everywhere in our lives. They help us play and work, monitor patients in hospitals, and regulate crucial manufacturing processes. But this ease of use has a downside, as more computer-related devices are a more attractive threat to malicious coders.

Antivirus protection scans files and programs to detect threats that could be present. It serves as a real-time shield against cyber attacks. It can identify infected programs and files based on their distinctive indication – two lines of assembly code that overwrites the stack pointer for example and then compares them with an inventory of known malicious software. If the program is found to match the database, the antivirus software will stop it from running, and move it to quarantine for thorough scan and analysis.

Unfortunately, the creators of malicious software continually create new programs that have more subtle and distinct signatures. Antivirus programs must update their databases. The good news is, once a virus is identified and added to the detection database it becomes much more difficult for hackers to make use of that same signature against other computers.

For that reason, most trustworthy antivirus programs come with many additional features to guard against a broader range of malware threats. They include: